"You are the embodiment of everything I found to be beautiful" said my honey to me yesterday while I was working across the room in nothing but my glorious workout gear and my hair in a disheveled mess. I am so lucky to be with someone who embraces every part of me and encourages me to go after everything I want. There never is any competition between us, just love and support. This is how it should be for you ladies. If you're with someone who puts you down, doubts you, makes you feel that you are beneath them then I would advise you stick your dainty middle finger up to the stratosphere, play some Beyonce, and go shine your light elsewhere.
Today women are still fighting for equality. This year's 2017 international women's day theme is “Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030”. (See more at: http://www.unwomen.org/en/news/in-focus/international-womens-day#sthash.OUZSCyWC.dpuf) This is a topic that has been a slowly moving change since the 60's. Even with the equal pay legislation that passed in 1963, woman's pay was still 60 percent of the male's pay rate. Recent studies by the IWPR show that to this day there is an earnings ratio of 80 percent making it about 20 percent wage gap. Women earn less in virtually every occupation compared to men. A prediction according to AAUW drafted from the U.S. Census Bureau, says that women will not reach equal pay until 2059. However the latter years shows a slowing down in progression which pushes the prediction to the year 2152 (2030 wishful thinking?). Side note a Cosmopolitan survey showed that 1 out of 3 women have been sexually harassed at their workplace. With the advancement of media, harassment can occur through photo/video portrayal and as simple as insinuating facebook/linkedin messages (it goes down in the DM).
However, as women, if we want jobs and to be treated fairly, then it is our responsibility to DEMAND respect. We may live in a man's world but as women we can run it. I believe we can still have control, at least over the choices we make and the leaders we should strive to be. And may I add that there is more power sometimes in just accepting that you are a woman and some tasks are just better done by a man (say what?). Hear me out. For example, I will never again put air in my tires. For one, I usually am sporting a pair of heels and dress. Two, the dirt gets all over my hands. Three, the damn tire air capacity reader is never quite accurate. If you're surrounded by men who respect you then it should be no problem to ask for help. And now with my honey why should I waste fifteen minutes of my life when I could ask him to get it done in less than five. I am not weak. I am not stupid. I am efficient. Love all that is woman of you ladies. The fact that maybe you cannot run as fast because you have a beautiful bosom and heart behind it. I am not a feminist but a womanist. And yes, I bet you can beat the next guy you race boobs and all.
Fun fact, in Poland international woman's day is celebrated by men giving gifts and showing love to the women in their lives. Traditionally they present them with a red carnation and a pair of stockings. I think here it would be appropriate to give a shout out to the greatest woman in my life, my mother. Thank you mom for raising me to be confident, loving, and to have standards. You have always been the most giving person in my life (along with dad) and I hope I can return the favor to you one day, God only knows if I can ever come close.