Happy International Women’s Day! A lot happened last month, and now that I’ve had some time to process and reflect, I’d like to share my takeaways with you, hoping that it can bring some solace to others. As mentioned in my previous blog post, I’ve always held down a 9-5 job as a filmmaker, except when I was laid off during COVID-19 in 2020. Well, on February 8th, exactly one month ago, it happened again. The writer/actor strikes last year truly impacted not only Hollywood Studios but the entire community ecosystem that runs on industry workers. When no productions are happening, there are no rentals, no craft services, and further down the line, no post-production services, which was my line of work. I was in charge of mastering and localization of feature films for Warner Bros. and Disney, and as we slowed down in the fall, we really struggled to keep afloat in the new year. And then it happened; I was laid off.
Even though I was a key member of my team and, not to mention, had been there the longest, I’m glad it was me. Since the start of this new year, I was itching for a change, and I guess when you put things out to the universe, it listens. So that morning, when I got home after being laid off, I told myself I could sit here and cry, perhaps go on a frantic job search, OR go on a walk and get myself a damn overpriced iced coffee. I chose the latter and something remarkable happened. On my walk back home from grabbing coffee, I received a few voice notes from my past employer who I was doing freelance Creative Direction for during the pandemic. She has always championed me and was updating me that there could be a full-time position available to me soon, and oh, by the way, would you like to do this couples modeling gig? I was taken aback. Universe, are we for real? I knew right away that the universe had a plan for me, and if you’re going through something similar, know that there is always something bigger and better out there for you! I also received other signs that day that showed me I am going to be taken care of.
My co-producer and friend sent me my co-star app message for the day I was laid off and well would you look at that!
Of course, that doesn’t mean I am living my best life stress-free. But this time around, I am actively choosing to tell myself each day not to stress and that we are going to keep working hard but not in a manic way like I’ve done before. That wonderful previous employer who is a health coach gave me these 3 phrases of affirmations to tell myself every day, and WOW was that just a helpful mindful reset.
Per her advice, say these phrases 10 times each morning and evening before bed:
I am a magnet for positive energy, and the universe responds to my vibrations with abundance.
The universe provides me with endless opportunities for growth and success.
I am in sync with the universe, and everything is unfolding perfectly for my highest good.
Just as I wanted a change, and the universe listened, the energy I bring into all this is key! If I’m thinking positive, more positive opportunities will come my way, and vice versa if I am in a stressful, negative mindset, I won’t attract the same opportunities. What also helped me transition mentally was keeping to a similarly structured work schedule: wake up on the earlier side, workout, and get to work. Why I’ve always held down the 9-5 is not only because it helps provide financial stability but also a structured and disciplined schedule. People have always asked me how I manage to do everything that I do with a full-time job (film, podcast, patreon, write, webinars, etc), and it just comes down to doing a lot of things I don’t necessarily want to do at times but knowing ultimately the end result will be far more rewarding. I would regularly work through my lunches, late evenings, and weekends. Now that I’m without a full-time job, I still have a feature I did while having one (that deserves its own blog post story), and currently working towards the final stages in post. I’ve always had other creative fulfillments that I found worth making time for. My day job did not define me, and neither should yours! So for me, it’s important to keep a running schedule of 3 important tasks I need to fulfill each day. As long as I complete those 3 key things, it allows me to continue to feel confident and on track with my goals. Speaking of, the next day after being let go, I sat down and wrote down my goals for the year (something I didn’t even have a moment for till then) and what I wanted to accomplish in the next 3 months alongside the steps I will take to achieve them. Doing this really helped me have a positive, transition mindset for what I am aiming for next, even if I don’t know exactly how that will look like yet!
Virtual editing session for my feature… also we got bangs for the first time people!!
Not only did I have a feature film in post, but I happened to recently come across and decide to enter Jordan Peele’s Monkeypaw Productions ‘NO DRAMA’ short film competition for writer/directors which was due at the end of the month. It was one of the most intense submission applications, and I am grateful I had the extra time to polish my materials and submit a story I’m extremely passionate about becoming my next feature to direct. My story is a psychological horror genre film centered around my fear of pregnancy and childbirth as well as the eerie concept of doppelgangers. I had already been brewing on a few short film concepts earlier in the year before this competition was brought to my attention, so once again the universe seemed to be aligning for me, and I took advantage of my extra time to pull all my ideas together and feel really confident about my submission.
Pitch Video for the short film competition!
I say all of this to say…since I lost my job, I did end up doing that modeling gig with my partner, was asked to be a producer on a feature, and got invited to be a paid panelist speaker as a female producer/director for UCSB Women in Media Organization’s event in May. I am beyond grateful for all these opportunities coming my way, and I am doing my best to strive forward for my dreams as a full-time writer, producer, director, and actor. I want to thank my artist friends who have been so supportive and showed me even though freelance life is hard, it’s possible to still do this thing! I’m super lucky to be surrounded by such a loving community of filmmakers and film enthusiasts and I know we can all help each other find and create the opportunities and the stories we’re most passionate about. We got this!